Gabriela Gardening

Role: Graphic Designer
What: Gabriela Gardening is a Puerto Rico based landscaping and gardening company.
Responsibilities: Conceptualized and created a brand identity and direction. Deliverables included pictorial mark, word mark, brand colours, brand elements, type system, envelope package, ad design, and stationary.
Goals: Gabriela Gardening specializes in bringing the outside of a home to life, and aims to spread the belief that greenery is an essential element to any home. Although their company is located in the U.S, Gabriela Gardening prides themselves in displaying their Puerto Rican culture.
Design Process: The approach for Gabriela Gardening was to bring a slice of Puerto Rico to the U.S. The pictorial mark uses an Andalusian courtyard arch with a Flamboyan tree growing through it. Both of these beautiful elements are commonplace in the Puerto Rican environment. The word mark uses a Spanish style type typical to Puerto Rican culture. Both the red and green are muted, as Puerto Rico is known for its pastel coloured architecture. The red colour reflects the picturesque Flamboyan Tree covered in beautiful red flowers.